When you have a right triangle with two known lengths you simply use A^2 plus B^ equals C^2. Why would you use this though? Here are some exapmles: Bob is trying to fix his roof, he has the latter that is 12 feet tall. The latter is 5 feet from his house. How tall is the wall is his house. 
     The first thing that you do is use a^2 plus b^ equals c^2. Lets say that a is 12 b is 5 and c is the unknown varible. You have to find 12 to the second power(144) and add it to 5 to the second power(25). The. (169). then you find the square root of 169 which is 13 so the unknown lenght is 13. Another example would be that you have a square table what is the area of the table. You need to plug in the numbers to this.

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