Recently we did a frog dissection. It was really gross, but we did learn a lot about the frog while doing it. When we started to do this I felt like some kind of sergon. We cut open the frog and started taking the parts out of the frog. 

I am really grateful that doctors practice operations of other animals before they start to open me up. All doctors have to practice on something else before they start to chop humans up. I would be very scared if I was the first human to be operated on . It makes us more 
The journey of light is longer than you might think. The first step of light is when light is emitted from a light source like the sun. Next the light reaches your eye. Since there is many different parts of the eye, it has to travel through each part of the eye. Each different part has its own job to do. 

Once the light reaches the eye the first thing that it will go through is the cornea. once it goes through the cornea, light passes through the aquaeous humor, then into the pupil. Next to goes into the Vitroues humor and in to the lens. One of the last this is the retina, this part flips the picture Finally the light reaches the optic nerve. The optic nerve send the picture to the brain and you see the picture.
-       Yesterday we went to the Chaffee Zoo. We have been working on the zoo project fo quite some time now. We have created many different elements and pu it into a website. Finally, after several weeks we went to the zoo. 
        I personally didn't have the best time. We were there too long. Towards the end, we had like an hour of doing nothing. Yes we did get to see our animal but everything else wasn't that fun. I did have a good time walking around with my friends and seeing my animal up close. Rather than looking at pictures. We did get to see how the animals really act. I felt that our information was very close to the information given by the zoo.   I think that next year they should make the trip shorter. We have already learned everything about our animal so it really wasn't necessary to stay that long. 

Here is the link to the Computech Zoo website:
Check ours at mamals>primates>ring-tailed lemurs 
-     Have you ever wondered why you see colors? Or what makes you see a rainbow? After it rains you usually see a rainbow. You will only see rainbows if the sun is shining. You see rainbows because when the sunlight hits the water that is in the air, colors are reflected into our eyes. 
     Have you wondered why we see black or white? In black objects, all of the colors are absorbed and none are rflected. But in a white object, all of the colors are reflected and none are absorbed. So black is the absence of color and white is all of the colors. That is why they are  so different. Why then would glass be colorless? Tjis is because glass transmits all of the colors making it transarent.
- Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? Well that is what we are learning is science right now. We are learning why we see colors and how light works. We really haven't learned why the sky is blue but this it what I think:
I think that it is blue because the atmoshper abosorbs the other colors( red, orange, yellow, green, violet and indago) and then reflects the blue. So we see only the blue. Another one of my theroies is that The  
atmosphere reflects the blue from the ocean. But why I don't really believe that is because the ocean isn't all over the world. If this is true why do we have blue skies over the continents? I will be writing next week the correct answer for why is the sky blue.  
_       Fossils can be found all over the planet. The thing that we find weird is that scientists have found plants that need warm weather in places like Antartica. How is this so? How do plants like this end up in places that are below freezing? There are many reasons for this. What do you think happened? 
     One of the main reasons for this is the fact that millions of years ago all of the cintinents were all together in one huge super-continent. This super-continent is called Pangea. The way that Pangea fits in here is that when Pangea was around plants and animals were all over and when Pangea broke up the plants and animals sometimes also go broken up- this is why we find the same fossil on different continents. When the contents were moving they went through some weather changes, and that is why we have warm- weather fossils in Antartica. 
-     We have recently started our fourth quarter project. we are designing a web page on a certain animal for the Fresno Caffee Zoo. I am in a group with Jasmine, Melissa and Amy. We are doing our project on the ring-tailed lemur. This is going to be a grade for not only science but also computers. So we really need to do well on it. 
Last week we were given a research paper. the paper that I got was on human interaction. So I had to do some  research so that I could fill it out . I had to find answers like how are lemurs being protected and are  how do they act in zoos. For me this took some time because I looked on multiple websites to verify that this information is true. I did this so that our web page was a reliable source and because I wanted to get a better grade. Today we will be starting on the computer portion of the project. It should be fun! 
Each person has thier own opinion on what the greatest sceinctific discovery has been. I think that it has been darwin's therroy of natural selection. I think this is it because since we have made this dicovery, we have been able to better know were we come from. We have learned that over the years populations change. 
      Darwins theroy of natural selection is basicllly suvival of the fittest. If one animals with a mutation lives longer than one without the mutation that mutaion might be spread through out the entire population thus the population has evolved. this is good because with the mutaion, everyone can work and finction better. Mutations aren't always good. Some mutations are bad, and hopefully the animal carring the mutation dies before it can reporduce and spread it throught the enitre poputation. This is the theroy of natural selection. 
o      Fossils are any proof that life existed in the past. Fossils can be anything. When you hear the word fossils, you probably think of dinosaur bones. Which are pretty common. But there is many different kinds of fossils that are found all over the planet. They can  be found anywhere that life has existed. Most fossils are don't stay in the same place. 
      Lets say that we found a fossil of a plant that thrives in warm weather. Where would you suppose you would find that? You would think that it would be found somewhere warm, but  they are sometimes found in places like Antartica. This is true because the planet is changing. Oceans are becoming bigger and then smaller and the contents are moving. That is why you find fossils all over the planet. 
      at the beginning of each chapter we are given a list of vocabulary. It is our job to then make a Quizlet. Quizlet is an online website that you can make a list of vocabulary word with definitions. once you have made the list you then can use them like flash cards,or play games. Some of the games include scatter. which is a game where you have to math the word with the definition. 
      I think that this website is very useful. Not only can you make flash cards to help you study, you can also study very efficently. I think that this is a very good website to use. But I find my self not using it as much as I should be. I think that I just get to lazy and don't have enough time turn on the computer, find the correct list then acually study. I think that for me it would be better if I just used paper flash cards. Then I would actually look up the defintion instead of auto-define. I would also have more time to use them, like on the bus.