Today is a nice day. I stayed in the warm sun and worked in my humble garden and harvested my plants. When the work was done I started walking over the hill to get home. When I reached the top of the hill the most dreadful thing had happened. Smoke ingulfed my whole village. Every building was on fire. In the distance, I saw the most massive ship sailing down the river. In an instance, I knew that our little village had been attacked by the Vikings.
     I immediatly drop my crops, tears began to fill my eyes. the only thing that I could think about was my family back at home. I rushed down the hill and pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose. Breathing got more and more difficult. I started to cough the smoke was chocking me. I started to feel woozy. But I knew that I had to keep going. My house was right on the bank of the river, and my wife and kids were at home. I knew that I had to keep going. I looked to my right I saw  houses falling and to the left I saw dead bodies laying on the ground. The sight made me nauseous. When I got to my house I saw that the roof was on fire. I kicked the door down and saw my family inside . They were alive but badly burned. I got them out as soon as possible. Our only hope was to cross the river and wait and see what would happen next.
      Charles the  Great or Charlemagne was a really great king in the medieval times. One of the things that Charlemagne did was that he took over a lot of Gaul and then ruled it . He was such a great ruler that Pope Leo the Third crowned him. This is a big deal because ,most kings and popes fight for power. 
      Charlemagne encouraged learning. He surrounded himself with scholars from all over the world. He had English, German, Italian and Spanish scholars. He opened a palace school at his capital of Aachen. Charlemagne ruled much of Eastern Europe. His empire grew a lot during his rule. But, his empire fell after many weak rulers that fallowed after him. I think that it must have been hard to rule in such hard times.

Happy New Years!! I know that many people have New Years resolution. even though many people make new years resolutions not many of them keep it for more than a week. Which sometimes it can be hard to keep them. I actually made two. I think that I can keep mine. My first one is to get good grades this year and my other one is to be nicer to people. 
For my first one(getting good grades) all I really have to do is make sure that I complete all of my homework and be at school and put the time in to do everything the right way. Here at Computech we have a really good system in place so that it becomes really hard, (unless you don't care enough) to fail in anything. We have homework lab so you can get help with your homework or if you need to make up some work. We also have the lunch study club for everyone who has a D or a F in any of their classes. My other resolution is to be  nicer to people. that one is gong to be more difficult for me and I bet it would be that way for anyone. I  think that if I think before I talk or act and to put myself into someone else's shoes, before i do anything i wish I hadn't. Hopefully I can keep this up through out the year.