Happy New Years!! I know that many people have New Years resolution. even though many people make new years resolutions not many of them keep it for more than a week. Which sometimes it can be hard to keep them. I actually made two. I think that I can keep mine. My first one is to get good grades this year and my other one is to be nicer to people. 
For my first one(getting good grades) all I really have to do is make sure that I complete all of my homework and be at school and put the time in to do everything the right way. Here at Computech we have a really good system in place so that it becomes really hard, (unless you don't care enough) to fail in anything. We have homework lab so you can get help with your homework or if you need to make up some work. We also have the lunch study club for everyone who has a D or a F in any of their classes. My other resolution is to be  nicer to people. that one is gong to be more difficult for me and I bet it would be that way for anyone. I  think that if I think before I talk or act and to put myself into someone else's shoes, before i do anything i wish I hadn't. Hopefully I can keep this up through out the year.  
1/17/2013 05:56:34 am

I think that this is a really good blog most. One of the things I want to do is be nicer to people too. Make sure that you capitalize things that need to be capitalized e.i. the word "i" and the beginning of a sentence.

1/17/2013 06:00:19 am

My resolution is just like yours! I really want to get good grades and be nicer as well. In the second sentence you need to capitalize Even, and the i in the second to last sentence. Oh, any try to make it a little long otherwise it is great!


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