Today is a nice day. I stayed in the warm sun and worked in my humble garden and harvested my plants. When the work was done I started walking over the hill to get home. When I reached the top of the hill the most dreadful thing had happened. Smoke ingulfed my whole village. Every building was on fire. In the distance, I saw the most massive ship sailing down the river. In an instance, I knew that our little village had been attacked by the Vikings.
     I immediatly drop my crops, tears began to fill my eyes. the only thing that I could think about was my family back at home. I rushed down the hill and pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose. Breathing got more and more difficult. I started to cough the smoke was chocking me. I started to feel woozy. But I knew that I had to keep going. My house was right on the bank of the river, and my wife and kids were at home. I knew that I had to keep going. I looked to my right I saw  houses falling and to the left I saw dead bodies laying on the ground. The sight made me nauseous. When I got to my house I saw that the roof was on fire. I kicked the door down and saw my family inside . They were alive but badly burned. I got them out as soon as possible. Our only hope was to cross the river and wait and see what would happen next.

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