at the beginning of each chapter we are given a list of vocabulary. It is our job to then make a Quizlet. Quizlet is an online website that you can make a list of vocabulary word with definitions. once you have made the list you then can use them like flash cards,or play games. Some of the games include scatter. which is a game where you have to math the word with the definition. 
      I think that this website is very useful. Not only can you make flash cards to help you study, you can also study very efficently. I think that this is a very good website to use. But I find my self not using it as much as I should be. I think that I just get to lazy and don't have enough time turn on the computer, find the correct list then acually study. I think that for me it would be better if I just used paper flash cards. Then I would actually look up the defintion instead of auto-define. I would also have more time to use them, like on the bus.   

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