The Grand Canyon  is very old. If you look at the Grand Canyon you will see that it is made up of many different layers. The very first layer at the very bottom is the oldest. This make sense because one layer has to be there for the next one to form on top of the other. Sometimes scientists find fossils in the different layers. Since we have the layers we are able to know how old the fossil is
Since we have fossils, we are able to find out how different animals change and develop. This is called evolution. Lets take birds for example. Lets say this bird eats insects from the ground and out of trees. Lets also say that one bird  born with a longer beak and It survives better than the rest because of that longer beak. THis bird with produce offspring with a longer beak. Over about 1000 years the entire species will have that beak. This is called natural selection.    

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