It is really easy to find the volume of a box. It has sides that are all the same.All you do is mulitply lenght time width times hight. Simple right? But how do you  find the volume of a irregularly shaped object like a pebble? The easiest way is through the displacement method.The diplacement method is when you use water to find the volume of an object.       First you need to get a container that has marking on it that showes you how much water is in it. A container such as a graduated clynener, beaker or a flask. Then you fill up the container with about how much water you think you will need , but make sure you have enough room to put the object in. Then take note of how much water is in the container. After you finish those steps you need to place your object into the water. Then take not of how much the water level has gone up. The subtract the level that the water is at when your object is in the water minus the amout of water that you started with. For example, lets say that you started with 30 millaliters and ended with 49 millaliters the oject that you used is 19 millaliters. Every millaliter is equal to one cubic centimeter. So your object is 19 centimeters squared. Hopefully this post has helped you understand how to use the displacemenet mehtod. 
10/30/2015 11:52:14 am

there is spelling mistakes


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