I love to read. I read whenever I get the chance. I know that a lot of you dont like to read.  But I beleve that there is a good book out there for everyone. Right now Im reaading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. It is really good and I recomend it to you. It is about a teenage demi-god tring to find his way in the camp with others like him. I encourage you to read it.
  What  I think is sad is that many( meaning millions of people) can't read. And its not just in third world countries a lot of people in the U.S cant read. I cant imagine what it would be like to not be able to read. Imagine how hard it would be to go to school, or even to walk aruond town, you would'nt be able to read any of the signs. if you know someone who can't read please don't tease them it only makes it harder. But in the mean time why don't you pick up a book and read.

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