Trade was one of the main reasons why the religion of Islam spread so quickly. The center of Islam was and still is the city of Mecca. Many trade routes lead to mecca. You can get to Mecca by land or sea. So if you don't want to walk in the desert heat you can always take a boat. The other way around too, if you get sea sick you can walk to Mecca. Many of the trade routes lead to places in Spain, Africa and other parts of Europe.
     Many of the traders that were Muslims took their religion to other places. Lets say that you tired after a long day of trading and you and some of your friends are sitting by the campfire when one of them pulls out a strange book. You ask  him what it is called the Qu'ran the holy book of Islam. You ask him to tell you more, and he tells you about the rules and main beliefs of Muslims. You think that they are really good rules and decide to become a Muslim. The next time that you go to trade somewhere else you tell people about it. The people that you tell will tell their friends and so on and so on. The next thing that you know is that everyone in your village, all your family and most of everyone that you know is a Muslim. This is how Islam spread so quickly via 
deeze nuts
9/26/2016 08:41:02 am

deeze nuts


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