


   I love to play soccer. Its my favorite sport. Me and my team have a game this weekend. we have been training all week for this game, and I hope we win.Soccer Saturdays are always my favorite. I love the feel of the fresh grass on my cold feet and little drops of dew that splash on to my face. The early morning sun warming our faces, I just love it. 
    The only thing i don't like is having to get up super early and drive an hour to our game field. But when we get to our field, I meet up with my coach and team-mates. I have such a great with them we are like a soccer family. We spend a lot of time with each other. Usually after games we have big potlucks together. each person brings something to share with the team and their family. And once we are done we go home and prepare for another long week of training and games.

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