In computers class Mr. Kimbley is having us do an online safety course called My Digital Life. It is an website that teaches you how to handle situations and to help you stay safe online. It helps you complete different levels each with a different topic. Such as texting and driving, picking out the right computer, protecting yourself from identity thief etc,etc,etc. It helps you in ways that feel  somewhat like games. it is a fun way to remind yourself to be mindful of your time online. It has also become more aware that a lot more people are being cyber bullied and how to recognized it and to help people who are being cyber bullied.  It has helped me out a lot.
     It also helps you understand and choose what courses to take if you want to have a that involvestechnology. You might not think that being a teacher is a job that deals with technology,but it really does. A teacher might use a computer to teach a lesson. techology has also helped writers. It has become eiser for them to write, share and publish books. So if you are planning to have a professtion with techology or if you just use the computer for fun  I recommend this site to you. 

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